So it’s a tough job for only two people. Early mornings and late evenings.
– But we do it together. It’s our thing and we are doing well, says Behar.
The couple and their three children live in a breathtakingly beautiful landscape and the farm is full of life, with rolling hills in the background.
They produce milk for family use. The meat and cheese they sell in and around the village. The couple has become famous over time.
– It’s direct marketing. But we would need access to markets, to sell more goats at the time would be more time and cost efficient, says Behar.
It is also harder in the mountains than in and around the larger cities. Distances and inaccessibility lead to expensive transportation.
Through We Effect’s partner organisation AgroPuka, the couple are members of a group of goat breeders. The group discuss their challenges, but the members are also exchanging experiences of what works well and they receive ongoing training. Once a month they meet.
– We have about 100 more goats now than before we joined the group, says Behar.
– Yes, one can’t know everything, we learn from each other. It’s the best thing about the group, Ilirjana adds on.